fuck blagging
Especially without a laptop. No one cares about or reads this, so I'm abandoning it until further notice. It's Facebook notes from now on out.
no description yet
I'm not sure who I am yet, so hopefully by the end of my journeys I will be able to fill this in.
Especially without a laptop. No one cares about or reads this, so I'm abandoning it until further notice. It's Facebook notes from now on out.
I think I got the grammar right in the title, but probably not. I haven't been able to update as much as I would like to because my laptop got damaged on the way over, so things will be rather sporadic until I get it fixed. Fortunately I don't think anyone reads this, so no one besides me will care.
The first thing I saw in Paris, after getting out of the airport and onto the Metro, was a crazy person singing. It wasn't until halfway through the song that I realized that it was the Spanish national anthem, and that I was the only one not visibly enraged by this. And it turned out she wasn't crazy at all, just homeless. Or at least, begging. I was the only one who gave her any money.
The hostel I'm staying at is called the Woodstock, and was described in my guidebook as "the miniature American embassy" but fortunately it's not seemed to be like that at all. There are a few other Americans here, but there's also Australians, Brits, a Spaniard, a Frenchman, a Chilean, a Ukrainian, a Kazakh, and a dozen other people that I haven't found out where they're from. So far getting sloshed on wine in the evening with them is the highlight of my days.
Paris is incredibly lovely, of course, and there's way too much to do. Today is a relaxing day, resting my feet after having walked several scores of kilometers in the past few days. Once I'm done here I'm going to go lie on the grass in front of Sacre Cour and draw, read, and drink wine.
There's a dozen other things I want to write about, but I've been on my computer for too long and I'm not writing well at the moment so I'll stop now. If I can get everything to work my next update will be in poorly-photographed comic form.
I'm drunk, so fuck you. This blog-post is about my background, and how it's contributed to the quest that I am currently undergoing. Yes, the preparation counts as part of the quest. If you disagree, fuck you.
When I was a young'n, less than 7th grade (11 years old) my dad had a decent job as a computer engineer. Not that great, but decent. It was enough to get us to middle class (not even lower middle class!) but no higher. Then came eighth grade.
My dad lost his job when I was 12, and for the next 4 years he was a janitor. That meant, of course, that we were low on money: I bought my first car from the Salvation Army for $730 (including tax) and I've worked my way since then. In a variety of jobs, too, be it working in a shoes store ($7.00 an hour) to Toys'R'Us during the holiday rush (7.50 an hour) to my most recent, and only interesting job (hundreds of dollars an hour).hh
Yeah, in case y'all haven't heard, I'm in porn. I act in porn, I am not a porn star (that requires being famous) and I do earn a fair amount per shot. If y'all are interested let me know, otherwise just ignore this paragraph. It's rather boring if you don't care. In fact, if you don't care you can just skip this paragraph, which means that for the rest of this I can just rant. Of course, I don't know what to rant about, so it's kind of wasted. If I think of something to rant aboot I'll edit this paragraph later. Keep an eye out, those of you who are interested!
So now I have some money. Not a ton, but enough. Enough to what?
Why, go to Europe, that's what. And so away I go...